It is the kind of spring day that speaks softly, that makes promises of beauty that goes on forever, trees that keep on flourishing, a sinuous joy in the air, through the blossoms, in the bird sounds. We're going for a walk, because how could we not, walking boot and all. It's the first walk we've gone on in a while and the girls are besotted with all the life around them, mired happily in the details: tiny rocks, bugs that blend with the dirt and pavement, abandoned snail shells. Mad spots what Google tells me is a six spotted tiger beetle. "Look, Mama!" She shouts. "It's a ghost ant!" The only thing "ghost" related in her world right now is the Halloween pumpkin train with ghost passengers that we got from Target and is now serving as a nightlight in her room. It features brilliant green, purple and orange lights, and it really does look like a piece of magic in the dark. I love that in her world, the brilliant green of that beetle is equal to the magic of that light in her bedroom at night.
Listening: Kele Goodwin, "A Kiss for Your Eyes"