Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And a wee wah to you

Something beautiful:

After a long and grueling day, punctuated only by a brief bright spot playing with a friend and her kids on the lawn of the Kimbell Art Museum, Mad was doing her normal "resist bedtime" thing. Instead of being stern-go-to-bed-mommy, I took the night off and instead crawled into bed with her for a few minutes and tried a small version of that interview thing that's been making the rounds: here, here and here.

Mad, what makes you happy?
Edwin. (That's our cat, Sideswipe, who she has renamed a few times.)

What makes me happy?
Ummm. When I don't bite you.

What makes me sad?
When I bite you.

What do you think I do when you're at school?
You go.

What's your favorite part of school?
When you come back.

What makes you proud of me?
When we go to the zoo and we get the green snake.

Oh yeah?
Yeah, and it has goopy eyes. A wee wah.

What's a "wee wah"?
It's at SCHOOL! (This is her standard response to anything when we ask for clarification on.)

There's no "wee wah" at school!
And the yellow snake has the goopy eyes!

I can bite you!

No, you can't. That makes me sad, remember?
(Tries to bite me, but jokingly.)

Okay, Mad, goodnight.

It was a great way to end the day.

Listening: Sarah White, "Apple in B Major"

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